
Language Space (SH 204 & 205) 594-6177
Language Training Center, DLI, & 594-7131
Project 594-1223 594-8968 594-0846
Diagora & general 594-0958

The Language Acquisition Resource Center condemns Putin's order to invade Ukraine. We stand with the people of Ukraine and of this world who want to see peace and freedom return in the region.

SDSU-LARC joins the College of Arts and Letters in our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which leads to our recognition of and responsibility for being part of a proud transborder, Hispanic-serving institution (HSI) located on the lands of the Kumeyaay Nation.

larc sdsu full color logo

LARC’s Mission Statement

The Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC) at the College of Arts & Letters at San Diego State University (SDSU) fosters effective teaching and learning of world languages locally, regionally, and nationally. SDSU-LARC pursues this through initiatives involving research-based design and delivery of language and culture programs, teacher professionalization, and assessment.

We believe:

  • Less commonly taught languages are an integral part of world languages education;
  • Language teaching and learning are fundamental activities to a globally engaged and culturally aware society;
  • Teacher professionalization and reflective best practices are of utmost importance for effective language education;
  • Meaningful community engagement is essential to our work;
  • Facilitating the transition from K-12 to postsecondary education is vital for the development of professionals ready to contribute on an international scale;
  • Principled integration of technology facilitates accessible language education.

SDSU-LARC’s staff comprises a diverse, multilingual team that collaborates with partners on and off campus to promote and engage in language teaching-and-learning practice, policy, and research.

News and Events

SAILN Professional Development Events
Strand LCTL (Less Commonly Taught Languages)
EL Workshop, Spanish Workshop, CoP Workshop, and More
Visit the SAILN Events Page for More Information

STARTALK Student Program 2023-2024
Chinese, Persian, and Russian
Learn More Here

Project Global Officer (GO) 2024
ROTC Language and Culture Scholarship Program
Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), and Portuguese Domestic
4 sessions, earn SDSU credit, in-person and online
Learn more about SDSU Project GO 

LARC Instagram Feed